DNA to begin sale of Xiaomi phones as Finland’s first official reseller – Splendid Group acting as partner

DNA will begin the sale of Xiaomi smart phones on Wednesday, 20 June 2018. This will make DNA the first official reseller of Xiaomi phones in Finland. The first models for sale will be Mi Mix 2S, Redmi 5, Redmi 5 Plus and Mi A1. The official importer of Xiaomi phones in Finland is Splendid Group in alliance with Group RDC and Smart Orange.

DNA has begun a partnership with Chinese smart phone manufacturer Xiaomi through official reseller Splendid Group in Finland. Xiaomi is the world’s fourth-largest and fastest-growing smart phone manufacturer, whose products are known for being good value for money. Xiaomi’s innovative products combine high-quality technology with top design, nevertheless keeping the prices low.

Xiaomi’s Redmi series phones are their most inexpensive ones, while the Mi series products are technically top quality but still attractively priced. The Mi series also includes Xiaomi’s flagships.

“Xiaomi phones are an excellent addition to our product range. Xiaomi’s target group consists especially of young consumers who value top specifications. Xiaomi also invests heavily on the usability and design of their products. More and more consumers want to stand out also with their phone brand, and Xiaomi meets also this demand brilliantly,” says DNA Store’s Managing Director Sami Aavikko.

Xiaomi’s official importer in Finland is Splendid Group in alliance with Group RDC and Smart Orange.

“We are pleased to work together with one of the world’s most innovative smart phone manufacturers and to enable cooperation between DNA and Xiaomi, thanks to which Xiaomi’s high-quality yet inexpensive products will be widely available in Finland. We have realised that there are plenty of Mi fans also here, and so we believe Xiaomi products will be an attractive alternative for larger consumer groups,” says Splendid Group’s Managing Director Kimmo Virtanen.

Xiaomi phones available through DNA

To begin with, DNA will sell Xiaomi’s latest models that have already established themselves around the world, the Redmi and Mi series smart phones Mi Mix 2S, Redmi 5, Redmi 5 Plus and Mi A1.

  • Xiaomi Redmi 5 – price: EUR 169
    Full screen 18:9 display, design of a more expensive device.
  • Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus – price: EUR 199–239
    Full screen 18:9 display, suitable for students and professional use alike.
  • Xiaomi Mi A1 – price: EUR 229
    Pure Android One phone with flagship-level double camera and 2x optical zoom, full-metal body.
  • Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S – price: EUR 599–649
    Dual pixel artificial intelligence double camera, super efficient processor, wireless charging, full screen display without a notch and ceramic, rounded design. The first Mi Mix model was a forerunner for other manufacturers’ full screen phones.

Xiaomi’s phones run on Android operating system and Xiaomi’s own MIUI user interface that improves usability (with the exception of Android One devices). The user interface is also available in Finnish.

As the official reseller, DNA offers Xiaomi smart phones a 24-month guarantee.

Xiaomi phones and their accessories are available in all DNA Stores and DNA’s online shop at dna.fi.

Further information:

Managing Director Sami Aavikko, DNA Store Ltd, tel. +358 440 443 069, sami.aavikko@dna.fi

Managing Director Kimmo Virtanen, Splendid Group Oy, tel. +358 400 599 249, kimmo.virtanen@splendid-group.net

DNA Corporate Communications, +358 (0)44 044 8000, viestinta@dna.fi

DNA Store is Finland’s most extensive retailer of mobile phones, other mobile devices and mobile subscriptions, with a chain of over 60 outlets. DNA Store's offering also includes TV and broadband services and the related terminal devices. The chain is part of the DNA Group, whose turnover was EUR 886 million and profit EUR 124 million in 2017. DNA has more than 3.9 million mobile and fixed-line network customer subscriptions. For more information, please visit www.dna.fi, Twitter @DNA_fi and Facebook.

About Xiaomi
Xiaomi was founded in 2010 by serial entrepreneur Lei Jun based on the vision “innovation for everyone”. We believe that high-quality products built with cutting-edge technology should be made accessible to everyone. We create remarkable hardware, software, and Internet services for and with the help of our Mi fans. We incorporate their feedback into our product range, which currently includes Mi and Redmi smartphones, Mi TVs and set-top boxes, Mi routers, and Mi Ecosystem products including smart home products, wearables and other accessories. With presence in over 20 countries and regions, Xiaomi is expanding its footprint across the world to become a global brand.

About Splendid Group Oy in alliance with GROUP RDC and Smart Orange
Splendid Group Oy is the official partner of Xiaomi products in Finland in alliance with GROUP RDC and Smart Orange.
GROUP RDC is an international holdings group with companies around the world, with many subsidiaries in different business areas including distribution, retail, service support, supply chain management. RDC also has rework workshop and central logistic operation based in Hong Kong, with R&D in global production hub Shenzhen of China. Contact: info.eu@group-rdc.com  
Smart Orange is official Mi Authorized Reseller, already opened over 70 Mi stores/shops in the Europe & CIS., Splendid with alliance partner Smart Orange will open Mi authorized store soon in Finland in 2018, in order to provide premium experience of Xiaomi products in Finland. Contact: info.lv@smart-orange.biz  


Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S


About DNA Oyj

PL 10
01044 DNA


DNA Plc is a Finnish telecommunications group providing high-quality voice, data and TV services for communication, entertainment and working. DNA is Finland's largest cable operator and the leading pay TV provider in both cable and terrestrial networks. For DNA, the key area for growth in corporate business is the new way of working, independent of time and place, facilitated by smart terminal devices, diverse communications services and rapid connections. In 2017, DNA recorded net sales of EUR 886 million and an operating profit of EUR 124 million. DNA has more than 3.9 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The Group also includes DNA Store, Finland's largest retail chain selling mobile phones. DNA shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. For further information, visit www.dna.fi or follow us on Twitter @DNA_fi and Facebook.

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