Halti Oy


PRESS RELEASE 8 December 2015. Halti has entered a partnership with the Swedish national ski team for its leisure footwear collection for the two-year-period starting 1st of January 2016. The agreement, which makes Halti an official partner of the national ski team, also includes a follow-up option.

"Footwear has recently been a growth business for Halti. Leisure footwear and our new shoes with ice studs are now part of the success of the national ski team. We seek new visibility through this partnership and aim to boost our sales in the whole Nordic region. At the same time, we are building new business openings in Sweden. The partnership with the Sweden Ski Team is an important step in the achievement of this objective", Halti's CEO Juha-Pekka Vuori says.

"Halti is refreshing its brand and investing in new product groups. We are privileged to be involved. This partnership can be extended to other product categories in the future", Cross Country Manager of the Swedish Ski Association, Johan Sares, explains.

For further information, please contact:

CEO Jukka-Pekka Vuori, Halti, tel: +358 50 5987 064
Ski Team Manager, Johan Sares, Swedish Ski Association, tel. +46 (0)70 372 02 29

Halti is a Finnish company that specializes in manufacturing outdoors sports and recreation equipment as well as camping equipment. The company’s headquarters are located in Sipoo, Finland. Since 1976, the Halti trademark has retained its position as one of the most highly regarded sports clothing brands in Finland. Over the years, personal and distinctive product design has become Halti’s trademark. Halti’s design is inspired by functionality and technical innovations and materials combined with the latest fashion. 


About Halti Oy

Halti Oy
Halti Oy
Massbyntie 101
01151 Söderkulla

(09) 8520 81http://www.halti.fi

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