Rakli ry

RecoTech - Official Slush side event for the real estate and construction industry

RecoTech, the biggest and coolest proptech event in the Nordics, will take place on 4th December as part of Slush 2018. The event aims to explore why proptech (property technology) and contech (construction technology) are issues worthy of everyone’s attention (hint - they very much are!).

The event brings together key influencers, established companies and hot, emerging startups from across the industry to discuss the best way of implementing the radical changes so desperately needed in our built environments.

RecoTech started out in 2016, when a group of Helsinki real estate and construction experts got together to discuss ways of bringing more people from the startup and tech scenes into their world, with mutually beneficial outcomes. What started off as meet up for a handful of people lasting a couple of hours is expected to grow into 1,000 strong full-day event with a jam packed programme.

Wait a sec though, what actually is proptech?

Real estate and property technology - or proptech - as it’s more widely known covers all aspects of the digital transformation the property and construction industries are currently undergoing. This includes technology, as well as our attitudes and mindset toward built environments. In a nutshell, if you live in a city or a building then proptech involves you.

2018 has been a breakthrough year for proptech in terms of the billions of euros that are being invested in new technology focused on real estate and construction. New innovative firms and solutions have entered the market, and many established corporations have also started their own innovation programmes. Investors are eyeing up the huge potential of the proptech scene as well.

Five reasons why Recotech is Slush 2018’s must-see side event

Having grown steadily in popularity over the last few years Recotech is fast becoming one of the most important side events at Slush. Here are a few of this year’s highlights:

  • James Dearsley, Duke Long, Leila Collins, Morten Lund & Dan Hill – just to mention a few. We have all the key thought leaders on stage!
  • Kojamo plc, the largest real estate investor in Finland has been developing housing services for several years and has recently opened a joint development platform for partners and customers. The service platform enables processing of information and opening of interfaces between different operators. An example of an already co-developed service is an artificial intelligence-based IoT solution, which controls the internal temperature of about 26,000 Kojamo's apartments. In RecoTech, Kojamo is going to publish a new Lumo housing service.
  • Nordic software and services company Tieto, active in almost 20 countries with around 15,000 employees, will announce in ReCoTech how the company will boost the digitalization of public sector buildings with its Empathic Building solution. Empathic Building is an IoT platform which brings intelligence to buildings through real-time digitized data and sensor technology. The solution both improves employee well-being, happiness and performance as well as being a management tool and a tool for optimizing space utilization.
  • A movement to make data flow in the built environment has been created by several significant Finnish real estate and construction companies. The platform and open ecosystem behind it is called Platform of Trust. Platform of Trust publishes its roadmap at RecoTech.
  • HyperIn offers it's award winning retail real estate management platform to Hong Kong's Mass Transit Railway (MTR Corporation Ltd.) as the first Finnish company. Approximately 172.000 people are using mass transportation services during peak-hours in Hong Kong and they are now able to take advantage of mobile loyalty applications with indoor navigation in retail real estate properties around MTR stations. HyperIn’s solution also provides consumer footfall analytics and behaviour data for commercial management. More about this at RecoTech!

Contact information:

Mikael Långström
Manager, Digital Innovations
+358 50 352 9066

Susanna Aula
Communications Manager
+358 40 763 6994

Website: recotech.fi
Twitter: @RecoTechFI




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00100 Helsinki


Kiinteistönomistajat ja rakennuttajat Rakli ry on maamme kattavin ja vaikuttavin ammattimaisten kiinteistönomistajien ja rakennuttajien järjestö. Valvomme jäsentemme etua, osallistumme yhteiskunnalliseen keskusteluun sekä teemme työtä kestävän elinympäristön puolesta. Tarjoamme myös tutkittua tietoa vastuullisen päätöksenteon tueksi sekä kehitämme toimialaa ja jäsentemme osaamista.


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