Christoph Vitzthum continues as chair of the Board for Hanken
Christoph Vitzthum has been re-elected as chair of the new Board of Hanken School of Economics. Vitzthum was elected during the Board’s statutory meeting on 4 February 2025. Patrick Lapveteläinen was elected vice-chair.

Christoph Vitzthum was first elected as chair of Hanken's Board in 2022 and is now starting his second term as chair. Christoph Vitzthum has been President and CEO of the Fazer Group since 2013. He has previously worked in various leading positions within Wärtsilä.
In addition, he is chair of the organisation ETLA Economic Research, the Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA), and Varma’s Supervisory Board, and a board member of Elisa.
"I am honored to continue as chair of the Board of Hanken School of Economics. Over the next three years, I look forward to further strengthening our position as a leading business school in the Nordic region. Hanken will continue to offer high-quality and relevant business education and create a positive impact on society," says Christoph Vitzthum.
Hanken's University Collegium elected a new board on 24 October 2024. The three-year term runs from 1 January 2025 – 31 December 2027. The Board has ten members, six from the university community and four external members.
The external members are:
Malin Arve, vice rector, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
Patrick Lapveteläinen, chair of the board, Mandatum
Heidi Schauman, head of research, Danske Bank
Christoph Vitzthum, president and CEO, Fazer
The internal members are:
Kenneth Högholm, professor of finance
Topi Miettinen, professor of economics
Mikko Vesa, associate professor of management and organisation
Viveka Ekholm, quality assurance coordinator
Ville Ruokonen, students’ representative
Onni-Mithra Ingus, students’ representative
Marlene GünsbergSenior Communications Specialist
Tel:040 3521212marlene.gunsberg@hanken.fiAbout
Hanken School of Economics is a leading, internationally accredited university with over a hundred years of experience in education and research in economics and business administration. The research is of a high standard and constitutes the foundation of all teaching. Hanken has close ties to the business community and an active alumni network with over 13 000 alumni in 65 countries worldwide.
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