
BlackRock tuo markkinoille Global Unconstrained -osakerahaston

• Rahasto on suunnattu pitkän aikavälin sijoittajille, joilla on vahva näkemys tuottavimmista sijoituskohteista • Eettiset, sosiaaliset ja hallinnolliset tekijät (ESG) ovat osa sijoitusprosessia

BlackRock tuo markkinoille BlackRock Global Unconstrained -osakerahaston, joka on suunniteltu vahvan näkemyksen sijoittajille. He haluavat sijoittaa poikkeuksellisista globaaleista yrityksistä koottuun osakesalkkuun pitkällä aikavälillä.

Pitkän aikavälin sijoittamiseen keskittyvässä rahastossa on 20–30 osaketta, joita vaihdetaan harvoin. Salkussa olevilla yrityksillä on tyypillisesti oltava vahva asema markkinoilla, rakenteellista myötätuulta, hyvät tuotot sekä vahva johtoryhmä. Rahaston kohteena ovat kehittyneet markkina ja etenkin Eurooppa ja Yhdysvallat. Sijoitustyyli on rajoittamaton, joten se ei ota vertailuindeksejä huomioon valitessaan sijoituskohteita. BlackRock on sitoutunut vastuullisuuden huomioimiseen kaikissa sijoituksissa, joten rahasto sulkee pois ESG-tekijöiden perusteella ongelmalliset yritykset ja ESG-tekijät ovat mukana sijoitusprosessissa.

Rahastoa hoitavat Alister Hibbert ja Michael Constantis, jotka hyödyntävät BlackRockin globaalin verkoston sijoitustietoa ja näkemyksiä. Verkostossa on yli 160 fundamentaaliosakesijoittajaa.

Salkunhoitaja Alister Hibbert kommentoi: “Global Unconstrained -osakerahasto pyrkii maksimoimaan tuotot globaaleista yhtiöistä, joita on vaikea jäljitellä ja joilla on vastuullista tuotontekokykyä. Toimintatapaamme ei vaikuta lyhyen aikavälin markkinahäly, ja pitkällä aikavälillä sijoitusten tuotolle kertyy tuottoa, mikä on tehokas mutta usein vähän käytetty mahdollisuus.”

BlackRockin aktiivisista fundamentaaliosakesijoituksista EMEA-alueella vastaava Becci McKinley Rowe lisää: “Sijoittajien tavoitteet eivät ole muuttuneet, mutta sijoitusmaisema on. Alhainen talouskasvu ja teknologinen murros vievät ’voittajia’ ja ’häviäjiä’ erilleen, mikä luo merkittäviä mahdollisuuksia pitkän aikavälin alfa-sijoittamiselle.”

BlackRockin tarkoituksena on auttaa yhä useampia ihmisiä saavuttamaan taloudellista hyvinvointia. Sijoittajien varainhoitajana ja johtavana teknisten ratkaisujen tarjoajana asiakkaamme kääntyvät puoleemme tehdessään suunnitelmia tärkeimpien tavoitteidensa saavuttamiseksi. BlackRock hallinnoi asiakkaidensa puolesta maailmanlaajuisesti 7 430 miljardin dollarin varoja (31.12.2019). Lisätietoja: 

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BlackRock launches the Global Unconstrained Equity Fund (UK)

  • Targeted at long-term investors looking for high-conviction returns
  • Ethical, Social and Governance (ESG) imbedded in the investment process through exclusion and integration


27 January 2020, London – BlackRock has launched the BlackRock Global Unconstrained Equity Fund (the Fund), designed for investors looking to allocate capital in a high-conviction, long-only equity portfolio of exceptional global businesses.

The Fund will be a concentrated portfolio of between 20-30 stocks with a low turnover and a focus on long-term investing. Typically, businesses held within the portfolio will have had to demonstrate a strong market position, structural tailwinds, high returns and have strong management teams. The Fund will target developed markets, with a focus on Europe and the US, and have an unconstrained investment style meaning it will not take a benchmark index into account when selecting the Fund’s investments. In line with BlackRock’s commitment to integrating sustainability across all investments, the Fund will also take an issues-based approach to ESG exclusion and ESG will also be integrated into the investment process.

The Fund is managed by Alister Hibbert and Michael Constantis who will draw insights from BlackRock’s global network of investment intelligence, including a platform of more than 160 fundamental equity investors.

Alister Hibbert, co-portfolio manager of the Fund commented: “The Global Unconstrained Equity Fund seeks to maximise returns from hard to replicate, global companies with sustainable earnings power. Our long-term approach sees through short-term market noise and allows the investments time to compound returns – a powerful but often under-utilised opportunity.”

Becci McKinley Rowe, Head of BlackRock’s Fundamental Active Equities in EMEA, added: “Investor aims have not changed but the investment landscape has. Low economic growth and technological disruption are contributing to a divergence between ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ offering significant opportunity for long-term alpha investing.”




About BlackRock

BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. As a fiduciary to investors and a leading provider of financial technology, our clients turn to us for the solutions they need when planning for their most important goals. As of December 31, 2019, the firm managed approximately $7.43 trillion in assets on behalf of investors worldwide. For additional information on BlackRock, please visit

Fund’s Risks

The Fund may be exposed to the following risks:

Capital at risk: The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future results and should not be the sole factor of consideration when selecting a product or strategy.

Changes in the rates of exchange between currencies may cause the value of investments to diminish or increase. Fluctuation may be particularly marked in the case of a higher volatility fund and the value of an investment may fall suddenly and substantially. Levels and basis of taxation may change from time to time.


Concentration Risk:Investment risk is concentrated in specific sectors, countries, currencies or companies or because the Fund has only a small number of investments. This means the Fund is more sensitive to any localised economic, market, political or regulatory events. Concentrated investment exposure by the Fund could magnify the other risks to which the Fund is exposed.


Unconstrained Investment Risk: Funds may have an unconstrained investment style (i.e. the Investment Manager will not take into consideration the specific constituents of any benchmark index when selecting investments for such Funds). Accordingly, the active risk (i.e. the degree of deviation between the returns of any such Fund and the returns of any benchmark indices which are broadly representative of the universe of securities in which such Funds invest) taken on by such Funds is expected to be significant. As a result, such Funds will be particularly reliant on the ability of the Investment Manager to identify securities that perform well, and the failure of the Investment Manager to do so may result in such Funds underperforming market performance (as represented by benchmark indices) and/or suffering capital losses, which may be significant. There can be no guarantee that such Funds will outperform, or indeed match the performance of, any benchmark index.


Emerging Markets Risk:Emerging market investments are usually associated with higher investment risk than developed market investments. Therefore, the value of these investments may be unpredictable and subject to greater variation.

ESG Policy Risk: The Fund seeks to exclude companies engaging in certain activities inconsistent with ESG criteria. Investors should therefore make a personal ethical assessment of the Fund’s ESG screening prior to investment. Such ESG screening may adversely affect the value of the Fund’s investments compared to a fund without such screening.

Counterparty Risk: The insolvency of any institutions providing services such as safekeeping of assets or acting as counterparty to derivatives or other instruments, may expose the Fund to financial loss.

This material is for distribution to Professional Clients (as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority or MiFID Rules) and Qualified Investors only and should not be relied upon by any other persons.

The Global Unconstrained Equity Fund is a sub fund of the BlackRock Funds I ICAV (the ‘Fund’). The Fund is structured as a unit trust organized under the laws of Ireland and authorized by the Central Bank of Ireland as UCITS for the purposes of UCITS Regulations. Investment in the sub-fund(s) is only open to 'Qualified Holders', as defined in the relevant Fund Prospectus. Any decision to invest must be based solely on the information contained in the Company’s Prospectus, Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and the latest half-yearly report and unaudited accounts and/or annual report and audited accounts. Prospectuses, Key Investor Information Documents and application forms may not be available to investors in certain jurisdictions where the Fund in question has not been authorised.

Austria: For further information, the prospectus, Key Investor Information Document, annual report and semi-annual report can be obtained free of charge in hardcopy form from the Austrian paying agent: Unicredit Bank Austria AG, Julius Tandler Platz 3, 1090 Vienna.

Finland: The prospectus (in English language) and KIID (in Finnish language) are available at BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited.

Germany: This is a financial promotion. For further information, the prospectus, Key Investor Information Document, annual report and semi-annual report can be obtained free of charge in hardcopy form from the German information centre: BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited German Branch, Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Landstraße 2–4, 60306 Frankfurt am Main.The paying agent in Germany is J.P. Morgan AG, CIB / Investor Services – Trustee & Fiduciary, Taunustor 1 (Taunus Turm), D-60310 Frankfurt am Main.

The Netherlands: The risk indicator shown on this document refers to the sub-funds of BlackRock Funds I ICAV (the ‘Fund’). Higher or lower risk may apply to the other share classes of the Fund. BlackRock Funds I ICAV ("BFI") is a UCITS (icbe) as defined in section 1:1 Financial Markets Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht; "FMSA"). BFI and its sub-funds 55 are listed in the register as defined in section 1:107 FMSA. Please refer to the Key Investor Information Document (essentiële beleggersinformatie; "EBI") for further information about BFI and its-sub funds. The prospectus and EBI of BFI and its sub-funds are available on BlackRock's website

Norway: The prospectus and KIID are available at BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited.

Spain: Certain funds mentioned here are registered for distribution in Spain. In Spain, the BlackRock Funds I ICAV range is registered with the number 1742 in the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores de España (CNMV) and the Prospectus for each registered fund has been registered with the CNMV. No securities regulator in any country within Spain has confirmed the accuracy of any information contained herein.

Sweden: The prospectus and KIID are available at BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited, Stockholm branch, Norrlandsgatan 16, 111 43 Stockholm, Sweden. Investors should read the KIID before making an investment decision.


For Media Use Only


This material is for distribution to Professional Clients (as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority or MiFID Rules) and Qualified Investors only and should not be relied upon by any other persons.

Issued by BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London, EC2N 2DL. Tel: + 44 (0)20 7743 3000. Registered in England and Wales No. 2020394. For your protection telephone calls are usually recorded. BlackRock is a trading name of BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited. Please refer to the Financial Conduct Authority website for a list of authorised activities conducted by BlackRock.

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Tietoja julkaisijasta

BlackRockin tarkoituksena on auttaa yhä useampia ihmisiä saavuttamaan taloudellista hyvinvointia. Sijoittajien varainhoitajana ja johtavana teknisten ratkaisujen tarjoajana asiakkaamme kääntyvät puoleemme tehdessään suunnitelmia tärkeimpien tavoitteidensa saavuttamiseksi. BlackRock hallinnoi asiakkaidensa puolesta maailmanlaajuisesti 7 430 miljardin dollarin varoja (31.12.2019). Lisätietoja: 








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