Toimittajat ilman rajoja Suomi

Foreign Minister Haavisto about Brexit: Decisions Need to Based on Majority Rule, Democracy Must Be Respected

Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto has commented on Boris Johnson’s plan to prorogue UK parliament for five weeks. Haavisto emphasized that he does not want to offer advice nor should one intervene in the legal decisions of other EU countries. However, at the event of Reporters Without Borders, Haavisto clearly stated the principle that decisions need to be democratic and based on majority rule.
Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto gave a keynote speech at the Reporters Without Borders seminar on 29.8. just before the Gymnich meeting. Photo: Janina Granholm, Reporters Without Borders of Finland
Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto gave a keynote speech at the Reporters Without Borders seminar on 29.8. just before the Gymnich meeting. Photo: Janina Granholm, Reporters Without Borders of Finland

Press Release 29.8.2019

The invitees of the organization Reporters Without Borders and the international media received a high-level contribution of the Brexit-related issues of democracy and freedom of speech. The Keynote speaker of the event was the Finnish Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto. The Minister was asked by the international mediaabout Brexit’s latest twist, the possible suspension of the UK parliament proposed by PM Boris Johnson, from a rule of law perspective.  

’Clearly I cannot start advising or speculating over another EU country’s internal policies. However, the basic principle of democracy is that decisions are based on majority rule’, the Minister of Foreign Affairs summarized his answer.

The main theme of the event, which analyzed freedom of speech and rule of law, was the future of Europe in light of Brexit. This theme was tackled in the speeches of the high-class panelists in many ways. German Deutsche Welle and American National Public Radio channels’ EU correspondent Teri Schultz emphasized the dangers of a no-deal Brexit especially for Ireland.

’No-deal and the possible establishment of a hard border in Ireland threatens to open old wounds and endanger peace. Much of the blame can be laid on the major part of British media that has irresponsibly spread false information about Brexit’s phases and its consequences’, warns Schultz, who has followed Brexit’s twists and turns in depth.

Mika Aaltola, Programme Director at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, raised the totally unrealistic wishes spread by British media in regard to the consequences of Brexit. According to Aaltola, PM Johnson is showing the media the way.

‘Johnson is painting a picture of a global Britain. However, I am afraid that Britain is rather becoming merely local. In addition, a weakened Britain will also become vulnerable to third party influencing’, Aaltola analyzes.

Mikko Salo, the founder of Fact Bar was already worried about the blaming that will follow the Brexit.

’There is a real good reason to be concerned about Brexit. After the actualization of the exit, a large-scale blamegame will follow. There will be large amounts of disinformation and false views will be raised to a central role’, Salo estimates. Salo’s concern is connected to the anti-EU media’s already visible attempt to blame the EU for the actualization of Brexit, against all facts.

Haavisto: Reporters are to be protected against targeting and hate speech

In his Keynote speech, Minister for Foreign Affairs Haavisto in many ways took a stand on the negative phenomena relating to the undermining of the EU and democracy. According to Haavisto, human rights issues in EU countries need certainly to be paid attention to in order for EU’s actions to be credible in relation to other countries.

’There are Eastern European countries seeking EU membership and we need to be able to place demands for respecting human rights also. We cannot do this credibly if we don’t devote attention to the problems present in current EU countries also – otherwise we could be blamed for double standards. The same applies to the rest of the world also, of course.’

According to Haavisto, matters regarding the rule of law need to be dealt with strictly and one must be able to take criticism, referring, without mentioning a name, to Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban’s criticisms of Finland. Instead, Haavisto wants to tackle actively the unjustified attacks at the media.

’Reporting has to be based on facts. Journalists reporting the facts must be allowed to work in peace, but there are currently constant attempts to silence them. This is a development we must resist, journalists must be protected against hate campaigns’, emphasized Haavisto.

On Thursday, this very problem was given the face by Jessikka Aro, a writer and reporter of the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE. Aro, an invited speaker in the Congress of the United States, has been the target of an intensive hate campaign after having exposed a Russian troll factory in St. Petersburg.

’Those that openly criticize President Putin easily become victims of hate campaigns. I have needed protection of the police on many accounts. Also otherwise, I need to take many types of security precautions. One just needs to adapt and accept that the threat is there. Otherwise things would be intolerable’, Aro describes the consequences of the outrageous targeting campaign.

Jarmo Mäkelä, the President of Finland’s Reporters Without Borders organizing the #FreeSpeechHelsinki campaign, considers Aro’s case the most blatant example of reporter targeting in Finland. Likewise, Aaltola of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs raises Aro as an example of a modern age digital actor, who most certainly needs to be supported. Presiding the event, Mäkelä, considers the problems created by hate speech and false news for freedom of speech, rule of law and democracy to be extremely severe.

‘Brexit is by no means the only issue here. EU has to defend its own values because no one else will. Hungary and Poland are alarming examples of autocratic development which we in the EU must intervene in’, Mäkelä offered guidelines for the EU.

The #FreeSpeechHelsinki campaign continues this autumn with two additional high-profile events. The events will actively address the threats directed at freedom of speech and rule of law, seeking solutions to the threats. The campaign is partly funded by Otto A. Malmi’s Foundation. 

More information:

Jarmo Mäkelä, President, Reporters Without Borders of Finland, +358-40 844 2609



Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto gave a keynote speech at the Reporters Without Borders seminar on 29.8. just before the Gymnich meeting. Photo: Janina Granholm, Reporters Without Borders of Finland
Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto gave a keynote speech at the Reporters Without Borders seminar on 29.8. just before the Gymnich meeting. Photo: Janina Granholm, Reporters Without Borders of Finland
Photo: Henna Hopia, Reporters Without Borders of Finland
Photo: Henna Hopia, Reporters Without Borders of Finland
Photo: Henna Hopia, Reporters Without Borders of Finland
Photo: Henna Hopia, Reporters Without Borders of Finland

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Toimittajat ilman rajoja – Suomen osasto on suomalainen kansalaisjärjestö, joka ottaa kantaa Suomen ja lähimaiden mediakentän rikkomuksiin, välittää kotimaassa tietoa kansainvälisistä sanan- ja lehdistönvapauskysymyksistä, vaikuttaa sananvapauden edistämiseksi Suomessa ja järjestää tilaisuuksia aiheeseen liittyen. Järjestö on perustettu vuonna 2013. Järjestön jäseniksi ovat tervetulleita kaikki sananvapautta kannattavat kansalaiset.

Suomen osasto kuuluu kansainväliseen voittoa tavoittelemattomaan järjestöön Toimittajat ilman rajoja (RSF), joka puolustaa tiedonvälityksen vapautta sekä avustaa vaarallisilla alueilla työskenteleviä toimittajia. Pariisissa vuonna 1985 perustettu järjestö on tunnettu vuosittain julkaistavasta lehdistönvapausindeksistä (World Press Freedom Index).

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