Invitation for media: Press conference for Nina Beier's exhibition Parts on Thursday, 21 March
Nina Beier's sculptures are often based on existing objects that she finds in online marketplaces and second-hand shops. The sculptures juxtapose objects and materials. In their new contexts they again take on new meanings. Welcome to the press conference for Nina Beier's exhibition Parts at the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma on Thursday 21 March 2024. Please register:

The press conference starts at 11:00. Before that, media representatives have the opportunity to explore the exhibition from 10:00. The exhibition will be open for preview until 13:00.
The artist will be present at the conference. After 11:30 Beier's work Drama will be performed in the exhibition space.
More information: Communications Officer Kiira Koskela,, +358 50 4786 861
Arrival: The doors of the museum open at 10:00. The address is Mannerheiminaukio 2, 00100 Helsinki.
Recurrent themes include humankind’s relationship with more-than-human species
Nina Beier (b. 1975, Denmark) turns the spotlight onto the biographies and historical baggage that many everyday items carry with them. In her sculptures, she uses objects as mirrors that reflect the world around them, its power structures, flows of materials and money, questions of authenticity, and the endless meanings associated with merchandise.
Recurrent themes in the works in Kiasma's Parts exhibition include gendered roles and humankind’s relationship with more-than-human species. In the pieces on display at Kiasma, Beier has used, for instance, mechanical bulls and breast milk substitute (Beast, 2018), wigs made of real hair and remote-controlled cars (Auto, 2017), as well as massage chairs and precious metals recovered from electronic waste (Manual Therapy, 2016).
Besides sculptures, Beier has created many performances during her career. One of these, Drama, will be staged at Kiasma. In it, actors are crying into a drink in the exhibition space. The performance can be seen on Fridays and Saturdays, details of times will be posted on the museum’s website.
At the end of May Beier’s fountain sculpture Women & Children (2022) will be displayed in front of Kiasma. It has been acquired for the Finnish National Gallery’s collections, with the support of the New Carlsberg Foundation, and will remain on permanent display in the pool on the museum’s café terrace.
The Parts exhibition is the most extensive overview of Beier’s works in the Nordic countries. It is curated by Kiasma’s Curator of Exhibitions Piia Oksanen.
In March 2024, Nina Beier opens two exhibitions concurrently, at Capc musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, France and Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma. The two exhibitions, although autonomous, complete each other and together cover Beier’s twenty-year long artistic practice spanning sculpture, installation and performance. She also has an upcoming institutional solo show in Tamayo, Mexico City, later this year.
Kiasma Communications:
Kiira Koskela, Communications Officer, +358 50 47 86 861,
The Finnish National Gallery is the national museum of fine arts. It operates three of Finland’s best-known museums: the Ateneum Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and the Sinebrychoff Art Museum. It also manages the national art collection and its archives, develops Finnish cultural heritage and promotes art to the wider public.
Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma
Mannerheiminaukio 2
00100 Helsinki, Finland
Alternative languages
- FIN: Kutsu medialle: Nina Beier on kansainvälisesti arvostettu taiteilija, jonka readymade-teoksia nähdään pian Kiasmassa – näyttelyn esittely medialle 21.3.
- SWE: Inbjudan till media: Nina Beier är en internationellt erkänd konstnär vars readymade-verk snart kommer att ställas ut på Kiasma – utställningen presenteras till pressen 21.3.
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